the Laundry Room

I went to this thrift shop that I found by chance. After exploring and not finding much I ventured into the very back of the store and found these awesome tins. I didn't know what I was going to do with them when I began but I figured I would come up with something. Oh and when I spoke with the owner she said that they came from an old slaughter house of all places. Lovely, the thought really of having something that once witnessed the slaughter of so many animals is now in my home. So why you imagine that take a look at the pics and see how awesome they turned out.

Went to hobb lobb and picked up the center crown tins, through some epoxy on and wallah!

Little His and Hers action(
So when I hung them I centered them with the posts in mind, oophs! So I was thinking about putting a vinyle heart with some barbed wire around it would be cool in the middle, unless I come up with something else of course)
The guest room